Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Comedy
Mary Bell a magical girl who looks like a girl around five years old comes to the human world from a magical world called Flower Magic World and helps and encourages...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Romance
After his mother dies a 14-year-old boy named Taro is invited by his grandfather to the Hanaukyo mansion. Soon after he arrives his grandfather disappears and Taro learns that not only...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Romance
After his mother dies a 14-year-old boy named Taro is invited by his grandfather to the Hanaukyo mansion. Soon after he arrives his grandfather disappears and Taro learns that not only...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Romance
After his mother dies a 14-year-old boy named Taro is invited by his grandfather to the Hanaukyo mansion. Soon after he arrives his grandfather disappears and Taro learns that not only...
Genre: Fantasy, Kids, Magic, Shoujo
In the story the Illusionary Empire led by Queen Mirage has begun attacking Earth. The Precure teams that are on every continent of the world fend off the rampaging Saiaaku and word spreads on global television news about the Precure girls who fight for humanity. Precure becomes a common word throughout the...