Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy
In her house Mei Onigami discovers a strange round creature that only says chimi. Her sisters Mutsumi and Hazuki agree to let the being stay with them until its owner comes to claim it. However as soon as one of them utters the word hell more creatures show up until there are 12 in total. The sisters think nothing of this until the critters create a portal that summons an envoy from...
Country: Japan
Genre: Romance, Supernatural
Kou Yamori is an average middle school student who struggles with grasping the complex concept of love. Because he sees little sense in surrendering to the norm he soon stops going to school. Plagued with insomnia due to his idleness Kou begins roaming the lonesome streets at night.One night Kou encounters a bizarre girl named Nazuna Nanakusa who believes that people stay awake during the...
Country: United States
Genre: Drama
David Craig and Alicia are a triangle of young lovers who find angst and despair as they sort out their feelings and sexuality in a late-night coffee...