Country: United States
Genre: Drama, Music
A small town stud wants to go to Nashville and be a big country star. His ambitious kid sister works as his manager. When they cross paths with a small town sheriff their dream comes in...
Country: United States
Genre: Reality-TV
CNBCs new show Restaurant Startup is on a quest to discover develop and invest in Americas next generation of culinary superstars. Restaurant moguls Joe Bastianich and Tim Love vie...
Genre: Animation
The series is about an extreme form of sport known as Stride. It involves 6 players on a team that runs relay races in towns. The story takes place at Honan Academy where first year high school students Takeru Fujiwara and Nana Sakurai try to recruit members for their Stride...
Genre: Animation,
Haruta and Chika are members of their high school wind instrument club that is on the verge of being shut down. The two are childhood friends and they spend their days practicing hard while also trying to recruit new members. When a certain incident happens within their school they work together to solve...
Country: Peru
Genre: Horror
A group of students decide to study reaction videos and are led toward an old film hidden in the archive room of a cemetery. It appears that everybody who has witnessed the film has met...