Genre: Comedy
Jack Chester an overworked air traffic controller takes his family on vacation to the beach. Things immediately start to go wrong for the Chesters and steadily get worse. Jack ends up in a feud with a local yachtsman and has to race him to regain his pride and familys...
Genre: Comedy
In the 1940s in the small town of Jupiter Hollow two sets of identical twins are born in the same hospital on the same night. One set to a poor local family and the other to a rich family just passing through. The dizzy nurse on duty accidentally mixes the twins unbeknown to the parents. Our story flashes forward to the 1980s where the mismatched sets of twins are about to cross paths following...
Genre: Drama | Romance
Primo and Secondo are two brothers who have emigrated from Italy to open an Italian restaurant in America. Primo is the irascible and gifted chef brilliant in his culinary genius but determined not to squander his talent on making the routine dishes that customers expect. Secondo is the smooth front-man trying to keep the restaurant financially afloat despite few patrons other than a poor...
Genre: Drama
Kerala-based George Nair is an efficiency expert who travels to Pune to provide a report on downsizing. He is met with the firms Vice-President Malathy Chandran and must come up with a plan to let go a number of employees. Both spend time together and Malathy confides how she had exchanged matrimonial correspondence with another male from Kerala while George describes his family his Hindu...
Genre: Drama | Family | Romance
A young Oklahoma artist struggling with a recent death finds escape in a reckless affair with her brothers...
Genre: Horror | Thriller
Amanda Millard desperate for a job takes a maid position at the Oregon Hotel in the creepy back country town of Mitchell Oregon. Owners Mildred Colvin and her Son Billy seem nice enough at first. But once Amanda discovers their real intentions a struggle to make a living turns into a fight for her...
Genre: Comedy
In a working-class town in 1984 a high school seniors future creates a tug-of-war between his no-nonsense father and his crackpot guidance counselor until an encounter with a goddess helps him uncover his true...