Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure Anime, Comedy Anime, Sci-Fi Anime
Mito isnt just another space pirate shes a three foot tall childlike alien with enough guts to outshine a supernova. Shes known as the galaxys most dangerous pirate a wanted criminal who destroys a dozen police space cruisers every day before breakfast. But all she really wants is to be called...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure Anime, Comedy Anime, Sci-Fi Anime
Aoi was raised as a normal boy on Earth. Little did he know he was the heir apparent to Mito the Queen-turned-Space-Pirate of an alien race that chooses their sex at puberty! Aoi fell in love with Mutsuki the police officer who was chasing Mito and the three of them saved the Universe. The only side effect was that Aoi blossomed into a beautiful young woman. Now a malevolent entity calling...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama Anime, Mecha Anime, Sci-Fi Anime
Humanitys pursuit of knowledge leads them to the planet Solo where they find mysterious remains of a long dead alien civilization including the 3 part super robot Ideon and a powerful warship. Using these the Earthlings sent to investigate the ruins defend themselves in their constant conflicts against powerful aliens called the Buff Clan who are in pursuit of Id the mysterious...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure Anime, Sci-Fi Anime
Working for a multi-purpose space agency Toppy and Rana make friends with Giraffe a scientist and go through various adventures in space. The three encounter danger at times but their friendship always saves them just in the nick of...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Space Anime
Space Dandy is a dandy in space! This dreamy adventurer with a to-die-for pompadour travels across the galaxy in search of aliens no one has ever laid eyes on. Each new species he discovers earns him a hefty reward but this dandy has to be quick on his feet because its first come first served! Accompanied by his sidekicks a rundown robot named QT and Meow the cat-looking space alien Dandy...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Seinen Anime, Space Anime
Space Dandy is a dandy in space! This dreamy adventurer with a to-die-for pompadour travels across the galaxy in search of aliens no one has ever laid eyes on. Each new species he discovers earns him a hefty reward but this dandy has to be quick on his feet because its first come first served! Accompanied by his sidekicks a rundown robot named QT and Meow the cat-looking space alien Dandy...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Space Anime
Space Dandy is a dandy guy in space! This dreamy adventurer with a to-die-for pompadour travels across the galaxy in search of aliens no one has ever laid eyes on. Each new species he discovers earns him a hefty reward but this dandy has to be quick on his feet because its first come first served! Accompanied by his sidekicks a rundown robot named QT and Meow the cat-looking space alien...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Space Anime
Space Dandy is a dandy guy in space! This dreamy adventurer with a to-die-for pompadour travels across the galaxy in search of aliens no one has ever laid eyes on. Each new species he discovers earns him a hefty reward but this dandy has to be quick on his feet because its first come first served! Accompanied by his sidekicks a rundown robot named QT and Meow the cat-looking space alien...