Country: Thailand
Genre: Drama
During the unprecedented manzai two-person comedy act boom of the mid 1980s Sasaki Nobuyuki Ninomiya Kazunari later Danshun meets the rakugo traditional Japanese comic storytelling storyteller Tatekawa Danshi Beat Takeshi at a junior high school performing arts appreciation festival. Several years after this electrifying encounter Nobuyuki who is now a high school student knocks on...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Mystery ; Romance
Seok-Won Jung Woo-Sung lost 10 years of his memory after a car accident. He now has trouble identifying his family friends or even himself. For some reason he is afraid to know about his past. An afternoon visit to...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
In 1988 Duk-Sun Hyeri Jung-Hwan Ryoo Joon-Yeol Sun-Woo Ko Gyung-Pyo and Dong-Ryong Lee Dong-Hwi are high school students and Taek Park Bo-Gum is a go player. These five people have been friends since they were little kids. They all grew up together and are neighbors to this day. Their families are also very close to each other. They always hang around Taeks room and spend time...
Country: China
Genre: Drama
Based on the novel of the same name the story is about the entertainment world. It tells the story of an actor named Yun Xiu played by Ma Ke who after a life changing experience comes back to the show business after changing his face ?. It is about his struggle to stay true to himself and how he arrives to the peak of his acting...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama ; Music
A week before the concert of the red-hot rock band Shinsei Kamatte the lives of various people connected in some way to the concert are affected. These people include Kaori Kurumi Morishita a pole dancer & a single mother....