Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
Although he attends the Royal Magic Academy in the Kingdom of Wenias Sable has the worst grades in the entire school. As he has no memories of his time before attending the institution when Headmaster Albus tasks him with a special training regimen in the south Sable eagerly accepts it. Alongside the Dawn Witch Roux Cristasse; Holt a human girl with antlers; and Kudd a lizard Beastfallen...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Fantasy
As the most powerful entity of all time the Demon Lord Varvatos thinks life is a big fat snore. When he takes matters into his own hands and decides to reincarnate he calibrates his magical strength to be perfectly average. But there is no way he could have predicted that everyone in the modern world would be weak as hell which means he is totally overpowered once again! Reborn under the name...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Fantasy
As the most powerful entity of all time the Demon Lord Varvatos thinks life is a big fat snore. When he takes matters into his own hands and decides to reincarnate he calibrates his magical strength to be perfectly average. But there is no way he could have predicted that everyone in the modern world would be weak as hell which means he is totally overpowered once again! Reborn under the name...
Country: Japan
High school student Yuuichi Katagiri cherishes his close circle of friends composed of four classmates: Yutori Kokorogi Shiho Sawaragi Makoto Shibe and Tenji Mikasa. However when the funds for the upcoming school trip are stolen the incident causes Shiho and Makoto—who had been tasked with collecting the money—to distance themselves from the rest of their class.Soon after Yuuichi and...
Country: Japan
High school student Yuuichi Katagiri cherishes his close circle of friends composed of four classmates: Yutori Kokorogi Shiho Sawaragi Makoto Shibe and Tenji Mikasa. However when the funds for the upcoming school trip are stolen the incident causes Shiho and Makoto—who had been tasked with collecting the money—to distance themselves from the rest of their class.Soon after Yuuichi and...