Country: United States
Genre: Horror
Storyline: In 2008 six reality television show contestants spent seven nights in an abandoned and haunted asylum. The show never aired but an editor for the network was able to piece together some footage. The prize for staying all seven nights was a share of one million dollars that was to be split amongst any contestants that didnt leave. No prize money was ever...
Country: United States
Genre: Horror
Storyline: Reclusive Dr. Zorba has died and left his eerie mansion to his penniless nephew Cyrus Zorba and his family. Along with the house the Zorba family has also inherited the occultists collection of 12 ghosts who can only be seen through Zorbas special goggles. The family members their lives at risk upon the discovery that Dr. Zorbas fortune lies hidden somewhere in the house receive...
Country: United States
Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi
Storyline: 51 chronicles what happens after political pressure from the American public forces the Air Force to provide a few well-known reporters with limited access to the most secretive base on the planet: Area 51. When one of the bases hidden long term visitors exploits this unprecedented visit as a chance to liberate himself and his fellow alien captives Area 51 turns from a secure...
Country: Italy
Genre: Action, Crime, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Storyline: Set in the fictional country of Heaven Valley the film is the story of a man Adam who following the suspicious death of his wife begins to investigate her murder and in doing...
Country: United States
Genre: Horror
Storyline: As Abraham Lincoln labors over the Gettysburg address the importance of which he is fully aware he learns that a menace from his past has returned threatening to tear the already fractured nation to pieces. He must journey behind enemy lines to face an foe far more fearsome than the Confederate army: the walking...
Country: United Kingdom, Canada, Romania, United States
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Storyline: In 2006 in Red River Tennessee a teenager has frequent nightmares. Her mother reads an old letter from 1817 written by her ancestor Lucy Bell. After a dispute of lands judged by the church her husband John Bell is cursed by his opponent Kathe Batts who has a fame of being a witch. From this moment on an entity threatens John and her daughter Betsy Bell attacking the girl during...
Country: France, Belgium
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Storyline: Three key moments all of them sensual define Anas life. Her carnal search sways between reality and colored fantasies becoming more and more oppressive. A black laced hand prevents her from screaming. The wind lifts her dress and caresses her thighs. A razor blade brushes her skin where will this chaotic and carnivorous journey leave...