Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Martial Arts, Movie, Shounen
Set in a land where several martial arts styles collide including but not limited to Chinese Kung Fu Japanese Karate and South Korean Taekwondo. Yet amongst these Shaolin-trained fighters and men powerful enough to cut the face of a mountain Victory Ramenman is said to be the strongest of them all. At a young age he witnessed his father Somenman being murdered by members of the Cobra Gang...
Country: Japan
Genre: Movie, Music
Mirai Mizue continues his experimentation with music and movement in his latest cell animation Tatamp. Not to be confused with the animation technique of cel animation Mizue’s unique style of cell animation is hand-drawn and colored on paper then scanned onto the computer for editing. The name refers to the fact that the creatures that he draws resemble amoeba and other minute organic...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Dub, OVA, Slice of Life, Supernatural
When Hibios adventurer mother sets off to research a mysterious tribe she hits a wall. Frotunately for her the beautiful young Nima sees a family portrait and decides that she wants her son for her husband and she gets a chance to further her research. She agrees to the arrangement. Of course she doesnt consult him about his future bride. When Nima shows up in Tokyo to be with her new...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, OVA, Slice of Life, Supernatural
When Hibios adventurer mother sets off to research a mysterious tribe she hits a wall. Frotunately for her the beautiful young Nima sees a family portrait and decides that she wants her son for her husband and she gets a chance to further her research. She agrees to the arrangement. Of course she doesnt consult him about his future bride. When Nima shows up in Tokyo to be with her new...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Mecha, Movie, Police, Sci-Fi
The year is 2001 and the criminals have taken over Centinel City. The Police have lost control. The citizens are terrified... and no one can stop the madness. Even the Techno Police a special anti-crime squad find the situation hopeless until a wise cracking cop with an uncanny knack for out-guessing the criminals joins the force.When a powerful experiment tank is hijacked the Techno Police...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Movie, Sci-Fi, Supernatural, Dub
High school student Ling Xiaoyu is recruited by Anna Williams of G Corporation to transfer to Kyoto University and gather information on a student named Shin Kamiya. Meanwhile Jin Kazama the current head of the Mishima Zaibatsu sends Alisa Bosconovitch to the university for the same mission. Though they do not know each others true motives Xiaoyu and Alisa become close friends. However...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Movie, Sci-Fi, Supernatural
High school student Ling Xiaoyu is recruited by Anna Williams of G Corporation to transfer to Kyoto University and gather information on a student named Shin Kamiya. Meanwhile Jin Kazama the current head of the Mishima Zaibatsu sends Alisa Bosconovitch to the university for the same mission. Though they do not know each others true motives Xiaoyu and Alisa become close friends. However...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Martial Arts, Movie, Sci-Fi
After being thrown off a cliff as a child Kazuya Mishima enters the King of Iron Fist Tournament to extract revenge from his father multi-billionaire Heihachi Mishima. Meanwhile WWWC operative Jun Kazama and Hong Kong detective Lei Wulong also enter the tournament to investigate on Heihachis illegal activities involving cloning and genetic engineering. A handful of other skilled fighters are...