Country: United States
Genre: Documentary, History, War
Marty Callaghans Synopsis: Except for the Dardanelles/Gallipoli campaigns the extensive combat operations in the Middle East during World War I have been largely overlooked in documentary programs. Given the historical significance of the Ottoman Empires demise in 1918 and the ongoing importance of Middle Eastern oil reserves to Western economies a close study of this conflict provides two...
Country: United States
Genre: Comedy, Documentary
The comedic stylings of four sort-of famous funnymen are brought to the big screen courtesy of this 2002...
Country: United States
Genre: Documentary
Wars of the future will be fought over water as they are over oil today as the source of human survival enters the global marketplace and political arena. Corporate giants private investors and corrupt governments vie for control of our dwindling supply prompting protests lawsuits and revolutions from citizens fighting for the right to survive. Past civilizations have collapsed from poor...
Country: United States, Canada
Genre: Short, Documentary
On several Shuttle missions Earth has been portrayed from places that nobody else could reach. We also get shown the different locations and the environmental problems mankind created there because of our wish to exploit our planet for our own...
Country: United States
Genre: Documentary
Six years in the making this documentary film follows outspoken indie-rock hero Bob Forrest through his life-threatening struggle with addiction to his transformation into one of the most influential and controversial drug counselors in the US today. BOB AND THE MONSTER crafts contemporary footage animation and compelling interviews with archival performances and personal videos from Bobs...
Country: United States
Genre: Documentary, War
Body of War is a documentary following Tomas Young an Iraq War veteran paralyzed from a bullet to the spine on a physical and emotional journey as he adapts to his new body and begins to question the decision to go to war in Iraq. From soldier to anti-war activist the film takes an unflinching view of the physical and emotional aftermath of war through the eyes of an American hero. The film...
Country: United States
Genre: Documentary, Drama, Musical
Bombay Beach is one of the poorest communities in southern California located on the shores of the Salton Sea a man-made sea stranded in the middle of the Colorado desert that was once a beautiful vacation destination for the privileged and is now a pool of dead fish. Film director Alma Harel tells the story of three protagonists. The trials of Benny Parrish a young boy diagnosed with bipolar...