Country: United States
Genre: Action
As a young girl Vanessa saw an event that will change her behavior forever. After witnessing a robbery and a rape as a young girl she decides to take upon herself create the same scenario as an adult which takes her on a path of...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
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Country: South Korea
Genre: Friendship, Music
A program surrounding female Korean Chinese and Japanese contestants who have the same dream of debuting in an idol group despite having different languages and cultures. Their growth as they head towards their goal will unfold in the imaginary world named “Girls Planet.” Previously Mnet worked with Big Hit Entertainment’s fan community platform Weverse to allow global fan...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi
The bustling metropolis of Kansai where cybernetic screens litter the neon landscape may seem like a technological utopia at first glance. But in the dark alleys around the brightly-lit buildings an unforgiving criminal underbelly still exists in the form of fugitives known as Akudama.No stranger to these individuals Kansai police begin the countdown to the public execution of an infamous...
Genre: Documentary
The face of drug use in America is changing. Fentanyl a highly addictive opioid is making its way into the bedrooms of teenagers often with just a few text messages or a few taps on a smartphone. “Killer High: The Silent Crisis” explores the drug crisis and impact of fentanyl through the eyes of the families impacted by it the law enforcement officers desperate to get it off the streets...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy
A long long time ago there was a prestigious school called Ryuuguu Elementary School that produced many masterpiece characters. One day an ordinary boy named Meisaku Matsuda enrolled at the school. Little did he know that the place for learning was filled with crazy characters like Sweets the energetic idiot; Musubi a rice ball who gets angry when called onigiri; Nokio a narcissistic...
Country: United States
Genre: Music
The Smashing Pumpkins Oceania 3D IN NYC was filmed last December at New York Citys Barclays Arena where the group performed their new Oceania album in its entirety along with a...