Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Kids Anime, Mecha Anime
In 2046 a revolutionary 80% shock-absorbing reinforced cardboard has been developed rapidly transforming the worlds exports. The reinforced cardboard would soon become the battleground for a popular childrens hobby called LBX Little Battler eXperience.Four years later a boy named Yamano Ban who loves to play with LBX although without a mecha himself is given a case containing the model...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Shounen, Sports
Aikawa Kazuhiko was the captain of Tendoji high school prestigious basketball team. He moves into a new town to attend Mizuho high school and joins its basketball team. However Mizuho highs basketball team is far from being prestigious in fact its now defunct. Nevertheless to say Kazuhikos persistence passion and basketball skills inspired other team members of the dysfunctional...
Country: Australia
Genre: Documentary
Catalyst is Australias premier science investigation series. Each week the team brings you stories from Australia and around the world meeting scientists at the forefront of...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation
Based on the American cartoon The Powerpuff Girls Professor Utonium and his son Ken are studying the strange Chemical X. When a mochi cake falls into the formula it changes into...
Country: United States
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Champion gamer Max Troy discovers events in a new video game are being mirrored in the real world and must join forces with the games protagonist Orson Creed to unravel the conspiracy before the games sinister plot overwhelms the...