Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Kazuko bumps into Tamaki on the way back from work. Tamaki is crawling along the sidewalk on crutches having trouble with an ill-fitting shoe over her cast. After helping her back to her feet Kazuko follows Tamaki back to her apartment the two of them barely exchanging words. Tamaki later dismisses Kazuko throwing her a bunch of keys to the apartment and the cryptic comment I can...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Based on a hit manga this adaptation depicts the life of a married man Nanase Kohei after he returned to his former job as a male host. He woos the clients with his gentle and caring nature and soon retrieves his former credit as the ace of the club. However the transition back for this middle-aged man is not without its challenges. Afraid that his wife will find out about this job Nanase is...
Country: South Korea
Genre: action
Mi-kyung drives a van for a private tutor institute. Yi-man works part time at a local supermarket. Bong-sun lives with her sick children and Eun-ji is being chased down because of her fathers debt. Nothing can get any worse for these women and they only dream to live a simple life in the future but one day they get themselves into a big mess when Hyae-ran runs off with their money. Mi-kyung...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama ; Romance
Girlfriend is an entry in the Love Collection a series of six low-budget DV-shot features obviously modelled after 2000s Love Cinema which was best known for the Miike entry Visitor Q and to which Hiroki himself contributed Tokyo Trash Baby. Including entries by both established filmmakers such as Kazuyoshi Kumakiri A Volatile Woman and promising newcomers like Yuki Tanada Moon and...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Romance ; Modern ; Friendship
Four women are ready to take their relationships to the next level and prepare to move in with their boyfriends. The only problem is they’re all dating the same man— and come moving day he’s nowhere to be found! Meet Sweet Beauty Yoo Seung Ok Sexy Eater Ye Jung Hwa Innocent Drinker Han Eun Seo and Loyal Cry Baby Oh Cho Hee four vivacious fitness trainers now hell-bent on...
Country: Hong Kong
Genre: Comedy
Ho Kau Kei Hospital is the worst place to be for a person who’s got health problems. Doctors and nurses are concerned about everything except for the patients; an incredible amount of papers has to be filled to get anything done; and the management is more interested in saving dollars than lives. Sir Ho Kau Kei was unlucky enough to become the patient of his own hospital. After having such...