Genre: Comedy
Honorin Fernandel is the simple and naive stage manager of a traveling theatre troupe whose one ambition is to once play the role of the cavalier in the opera Francis I or the Loves of the Beautiful Ferroniere. A hypnotist puts him to sleep and in his dreams he is transplanted to the days of the Renaissance. There among other items he is made a Duke by Henri VIII fights a duel and...
Genre: Western
Sven Hanson is one of a number of farmers whom Ed McNeil wants to run off their land because he knows theres oil on it. When Hanson is murdered by McNeils gunman Johnny Crale Hansons friend Pepe Mirada hides his knowledge of the murderers identity in order to protect his family. When Hansons son George arrives and takes up his fathers cause not only Mirada but also Johnny Crale begin...
Genre: Comedy
Milton Parker has made millions inventing and selling games. Upon his death his relatives and domestic staff gather for the reading of the will. However Old Mr. Parker is a game player to the last and his will stipulates that a Scavenger Hunt will be held to determine the beneficiaries of his sizeable estate. The winning team gets all the money the rest get...
Country: Canada
Genre: Drama
When a change of circumstances leaves Miriam unable to pay her college tuition she makes a surprising decision: to start performing in adult films using the pseudonym Belle Knox. Miriam lies to her family and her friends at school keeping her double life a secret. But soon rumours spread and Miriam becomes the subject of vicious online attacks and unwanted attention. Miriam fights back: she...
Genre: Sport
Before John Cena can step into the ring at the Grandest Stage of Them All WrestleMania; he must step into the Elimination Chamber against five other men looking for the chance to hold his...