Country: Japan
Genre: Mystery, Shounen, Anime
SummaryKindaichi Hajime the supposed grandson of the famous private detective Kindaichi Kosuke. One day Kindaichi and his girlfriend Miyuki visit Hong Kong for fasion event Miyuki is captured by a stranger wrongly. And the tour to save Miyuki will lead to an another crime...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Anime
SummarySoon after transferring to Seisou Gakuin Kanade finds the orchestra club in the middle of preparing for the National concur. Teaming up with the other members she will improve her skills meet new rivals and create memories for what will become an unforgettable...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Drama, Romance, Anime
SummaryKeita has two older step-sisters Ako and Riko but since they arent related by blood they love him in a lustful way. After a mishap at school Ako and Riko finally confess their love to him. Keita dislikes the thought of seeing them other then brother and sister but as he tries to enter the same school as his sisters he slowly becomes attracted to...
Genre: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Harem, Magic, Supernatural, Anime
SummaryAikawa Ayumu is a normal high school boy. One day he is killed by a serial killer and revived as a zombie by a necromancer named Eucliwood Hellscythe. He starts to serve Eu as her guard but he happens to deprive the mahou shoujo Haruna of her magic power. Haruna orders Ayumu to fight against the anti-mahou shoujo system Megalo in her...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Anime
SummaryThe story follows Ryou a middle school girl who lives by herself. She has a knack for cooking and makes friendships with everyone through her food. The cooking manga is full of detailed cuisine art to whet the appetite and slightly erotic meal scenes. The koufuku in the title is a wordplay on two Japanese homonyms one which means happiness and another that means...
Genre: Comedy, School, Shounen, Sports, Anime
SummaryThe second season of Kuroko no...
Genre: Comedy, Demons, Fantasy, Shounen, Supernatural, Anime
SummaryIn Victorian London the breathtaking performances of the Noahs Ark Circus have captured the attention of people all across the city. But the spell of magic and wonderment woven under the big top is not without consequences. Children have suddenly begun to vanish and some suspect these mysterious performers are responsible. In an attempt to get to the bottom of these disturbing...
Genre: Fantasy, Slice of life, Supernatural, Anime
SummaryThe dark fantasy follows a high school sophomore named Akihito Kanbara. Although the boy appears human he is half youmu and invulnerable to wounds because he can heal quickly. One day Akihito meets freshman Mirai Kuriyama when it seems she is about to jump from the school rooftop. Mirai is isolated because of her ability to manipulate blood which is unique even among members of the...