Haimura Kiri is a seemingly ordinary boy with one slight problem: he is obsessed with cutting other people's hair. One day he meets Mushiyanokouji Iwai, the "Hair Queen" who cannot cut her hair because of an inherited curse. Kiri finds out that his scissor, "Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge" is the only thing that can cut them. But little did he know that their meeting sparked the start of an old murder game to kill the "Hair Queen" using the cursed killing tools, the "Killing Goods." Can Kiri protect Iwai from the Killing Goods Owners? Let the game begin!Country:
Genre: Comedy, Demons, Fantasy, Shoujo, Supernatural, Anime
SummaryThe story revolves around William an aristocratic familys progeny with rare intellect. One day his uncle lost his possessions after his business failed. Fearing that his familys name has been tarnished William returns home and searches with his familys butler for anything that can be converted into cash. A search of the premises yields an underground room left by an ancestor. In the...
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Anime
SummaryAfter a long and treacherous journey our Hero finally arrives at the Dark Ladys castle only to find himself being asked for help. The Hero explains how the war that the demons have brought upon the humans have killed thousands and put more in misery. The queen of demons however argues that this war has made the human society band together as one and showed empirical evidence how it has...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Action, Comedy, Romance, Anime
Elected as student council president with 98% of votes Medaka is a brilliant students who will help students any way she can. This leads to the introduction of a suggestions box which...
Genre: Comedy, School, Slice of life, Anime
SummaryThe story revolves around the daily misadventures of 5 glasses-wearing high school boys who are members of the Glasses Club and their antics resulting from their shared passion for eyewear most especially their ultimate goal to make functioning X-ray...
Genre: Comedy, Military, Seinen, Slice of life, Anime
SummaryThe story takes place during a conflict between the Krakozhia Dukedom and the Grania Republic. In the midst of the fighting a savior appears to the Krakozhia Dukedom and it is a high school student named Yano Souhei. Two female soldiers First Lieutenant Ruto and Second Lieutenant Haruka appear in tanks to intrude on Souheis everyday life followed by the enemy soldier Shachirofu all...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Action, Drama, Romance, Thriller, Anime
Yukiteru Amano is a 14-year old loner who spends much of his time dispassionately recording events around him in his cell phone diary. His only friends are imaginary ones: Dues ex...