Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Medical
Surgeon Tetsuhiko Touma became a doctor after losing his mother at a young age due to a faulty diagnosis. Now working at at a local hospital in 1989 Touma faces the realities of a flawed medical system but continues to help his patients regardless of past customs. One day the mayor of the local city is admitted into the hospital in critical condition. To save the mayors life the mayor must...
Country: Japan
Genre: Psychological, Law, Life, Drama, Family, Tragedy
Yamazaki Risako lives with her husband Yoichiro and 3-year-old daughter Fumika. One day she receives a notification from the court that she has been selected as an alternate member of the jury for a shocking criminal case. The defendant in the case is Ando Mizuho a full-time housewife who is the same age as Risako. She is on trial for causing the death of her 8-month-old daughter by dropping...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Comedy, Super Power, Kids, Mecha, Shounen
Eons ago a cube–like peaceful planet named Quarton populated by shape–shifting living bricks called Tenkai was ravaged by a war between two opposite factions: the Corekai and the Corrupted led by the ruthless warlord Vilius who desired to obtain the source of Tenkai Energy for his own purposes. However the only ones who were strong enough to defeat him were the Tenkai Knights: Bravenwolf...
Country: Japan
Genre: Friendship, Romance, School, Youth
Horiguchi Gaku Yonezawa Mao Ita Koki and Jin Jun are friends and they all attend the same prestigious university. They have spent most of their time studying and they have 90 days before their graduations. Greatly inspired to become men by the time they graduate they meet girls who are ideal in their own opinion. At times they collide at others they fail or forget their objective? They keep...
Country: Japan
Genre: Friendship, Mystery, Comedy, School, Youth
The story revolves around the struggle to become the number one hostess at the host club Suizokukan in order to save the Majijo high school from being shut down forever due to their main company going bankrupt. Edit...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mystery, Drama, Detective, Investigation
There has been a rash of graffiti in the Hon-Ikegami station’s area. Police commissioner Shiina tries to think of solutions but Maejima says that we are too short-staffed to really address the problem. At the same time the rash of car theft that has spread around the country visits the Hon-Ikegami area. The new head of 2nd Division Oyamada wants to solve the crimes quickly as does the...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
A movie about criminals who wear the masks of elites but make the wrong choice because of their pain and a father who loses his daughter to them. Edit...
Country: Japan
Genre: Romance, Life, Drama, Family, Mature
Kitazawa Nao is a 34-year-old doctor. Nao met fellow doctor Ihara Yuichi through matchmaking and decided to get engaged with him. She has been doing well both in work and in private life. One month prior to her wedding ceremony Nao has a fateful meeting with Mamiya Shinji. He is an unsuccessful novelist and also holds a part-time job. They fall in love with each other and at the same time...