Country: Japan
Genre: Business
Ryohei Tsukuda is a former researcher at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. He now runs a factory that his father left behind. Ryohei takes part in the domestic rocket development plan Stardust run by a large Japanese corporation. One day Ryohei suddenly hears that the CEO of that company will be replaced and the Stardust plan will be shut down. Naohiro’s is an employee at Ryoheis...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Historical
Set during the Joseon Dynasty period four people from different walks of life come together to make Prince Lee Geum the King and reform the Saheonbu. The four people are Lee Geum Yeo Ji Park Moon Soo and Dal Moon. Lee Geum is a prince but even though he is smart he is not recognized as a prince due to his mother being born in the lowest class. Yeo Ji is damo at the Saheonbu. She...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Junko Harumi was once a model student during her middle school and high school days. She failed to enter the prestigious Tokyo University and her life has not gone smoothly since then. She has a hard time finding a job and having a romantic relationship. Now at the age of 31 she works as a teacher at a private institute. 3 men who vary in type appear in front of her. Masashi Yakumo is her...
Country: Japan
Genre: Supernatural
21-year-old Ataru Matoba begins work for an event company as a dispatched worker. This is her first real job. She goes to work wearing a knit hat sunglasses and a long coat. She is happy to have the various work experiences and she works pleasantly. Ataru Matoba also has a special ability. When she makes eye contact with someone she can see that persons troubles or indelible memory. With her...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Drama, Historical, Martial Arts, Political
Norizuki Gennojo a commander of the Shogunate’s troops sets out on a journey to train in swordplay. In that time Koka Yoami the father of his betrothed Chie receives a special mission and goes to Awa Tokushima to search for the secret records of Naruto in which a pledge to overthrow the shogunate is sealed with blood. He is never heard of again. 10 years later Gennojo returns to Edo as a...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Life, Romance
A brilliant man becomes involved in the life of a once rising star. Cha Eun Ho is a successful and handsome writer who is also the youngest chief editor at a publishing company. He has a calm demeanor alongside a warm heart and remains reasonable at work. He then meets a woman named Kang Dan Yi who was once a popular copywriter. She is now unemployed and struggling in life thought still attempts...