Country: Japan
Genre: Drama ; Gangster
Hikoichi Tsuyoshi Kusanagi decides to live an honest life and leaves the gang world. He begins work at a convenience store but one day Hikoichi allows an old man named Yuzo Tsutai Masaaki Sakai to rob the store. Hikoichi is then arrested. A year later Hikoichi meets Yuzo again in prison and Yuzo tells him that when he is in trouble go see...
Country: south korea
Genre: Action ; Drama
The ill-treated mistress of a gang boss becomes friendly with an older woman who drives a taxi. Eventually the two hatch a plan to steal a bagful of money taking some revenge in the...
Country: China
Genre: Drama ; Romance
Murphy shouted blossoming three of the most intimate friend in order to pursue the same dream to break into the circle model. Murphy is a pretty outgoing open-minded girl and soon into the circle. In Murphys help shouted and blossoming also successfully entered the circle model. Smart steady temperament extraordinary quickly shouted model favored in circles. Simple and lovely blossoming...
Country: China
Genre: Drama
The film starts with a story about how two monkeys band together and cooperate to survive in the wild which is used to illustrate how human society is formed. By casting its characters in a desolate uninhabited no mans land the film explores the tension between humans animal instincts and their socially constructed selves. Pan Xiao a young middle-class lawyer played by Xu Zheng goes to a...
Country: south korea
Genre: Action ; Comedy ; Crime
His name is Killa. Growing up as an orphan he had been teased so much for being a lisper that he decided not to talk at all until getting a surgery that would make him talk clearly. Living all...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy ; Drama
Abandoned by his father as a boy Yuta grows up as the foster son of a restaurant owner and takes over the restaurant at the owners death. Cheery always smiling always helpful Yuta is known as Yama-chan the friend everyone turns to. When Yuta discovers he had a hitherto unknown baby brother he sets out to track him down. But the baby brother Yusuke has grown up to be half of a successful...
Country: Hong Kong
Genre: Drama
As an advisor to a renowned U.S. casino and a prominent gambler Ray Alan Tam has encountered many adventurous challenges in his career. When the Taiwanese gambler Cheung challenges Ray to a gambling contest with him in Macau Rays adventures begins again. In Hong Kong Rays cousin introduces him to two friends Andy Lau & Nat Chan who end up cheating him and making off with all his money...