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Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, Mecha Anime, Military Anime, Sci-Fi Anime
In the distant future humanity has explored beyond Earth and colonized both the inner and outer planets of the Solar System. In order to protect the colonies and maintain law and order in the solar system the Earth Federation Government EFG was created. Soon many settlers started to resent the EFGs and its sphere of influence straining the relationship between the central government...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Dub Anime, Military Anime, Romance Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Space Anime
Based on a science fiction novel series Crest of the Stars Seikai no Monsho is the first installment in this sci-fi saga. The story follows Jinto whose world was taken over by the largest empire in the galaxy: the Abh. Jintos father the planets prime minister handed their world over to the Abh in exchange for a standing in the Abh Empire. As a result Jinto became a prince and was...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Military Anime, Romance Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Space Anime
Based on a science fiction novel series Crest of the Stars Seikai no Monsho is the first installment in this sci-fi saga. The story follows Jinto whose world was taken over by the largest empire in the galaxy: the Abh. Jintos father the planets prime minister handed their world over to the Abh in exchange for a standing in the Abh Empire. As a result Jinto became a prince and was...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Dub Anime, Military Anime, Romance Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Space Anime
Three years after their adventure Lafiel becomes captain on the brand new assault ship Basroil and Jinto finishes his training to become a supply officer and joins Lafiels crew. They set out to join a large fleet with the mission of defending the strategically important Laptic Gate from a force 15 times larger than their own. And to bring even more worries their new fleet commander is from...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Military Anime, Romance Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Space Anime
Three years after their adventure Lafiel becomes captain on the brand new assault ship Basroil and Jinto finishes his training to become a supply officer and joins Lafiels crew. They set out to join a large fleet with the mission of defending the strategically important Laptic Gate from a force 15 times larger than their own. And to bring even more worries their new fleet commander is from...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Dub Anime, Military Anime, Romance Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Space Anime
Due to a lack of ambassadors for the recently-conquered worlds the rapidly advancing fleet of the Bebaus brothers leave behind Lafiel is appointed Territorial Ambassador of the planet Lobnas II. Upon arriving to the planet Jinto and Lafiel discover that the planet was used by the United Mankind as a prison planet and now has a million prisoners on the only inhabited island. The prisoners are...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Military Anime, Romance Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Space Anime
Due to a lack of ambassadors for the recently-conquered worlds the rapidly advancing fleet of the Bebaus brothers leave behind Lafiel is appointed Territorial Ambassador of the planet Lobnas II. Upon arriving to the planet Jinto and Lafiel discover that the planet was used by the United Mankind as a prison planet and now has a million prisoners on the only inhabited island. The prisoners are...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Dub Anime, Fantasy Anime, Romance Anime, Supernatural Anime
Written by Akamitsu Awamura the series takes place in a private high school involving the concept of saviors. They are known as people who possess awakened memories of their past lives. The story tells of a young boy named Moroha Haimura who comes to this private school. At the school there are two types of people: Saviors who fight enemies with weapons and techniques gleaned from the...