is a seinen manga series by Yūgo Ishikawa There are currently 19 volumes. The story has been adapted into an anime which spans two series. Both anime series covers volume 00-18. The first series is Fighting Beauty Wulong and the second is Fighting Beauty Wulong: Rebirth. Both series have approximately 25 episodes apiece.
The lead character, Mao Ran, a person of Chinese origin born and raised in Japan, has been trained in the secret martial art of her family by her drunken lecherous grandfather Master Mao Hung. Her grandfather has promised her that he'll tell her what happened to her parents to encourage her to train and fight. Without her knowledge, her grandfather signs her up to participate in a televised martial arts competition between female martial artists known as "Prime Mat". During the course of the manga and anime it is revealed that Ran's mother married Cao Da Hen and gave birth to Ran's step sister Rin Shen.