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Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi, Space
Maetel abandoned her mother and her home planet the doomed and frozen La Metal where people must become cyborgs to survive. When she is beckoned to return her options seem slim: follow her mothers path and with it a robot mind and the contempt of all humans or run away and fight with humans against the machines. Yet she is not without comrades and defenders. If she can accept the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Science fiction
The story revolves around the Princess of the Moon Aurora and her three cyborg companions Kugo Djorgo and Hakka who must travel to the Great King planet and restore the Galaxy Energy in the year 2072. The universe was becoming more and more unbalanced as the Queen of the Great Planet grows older. Their adventure includes battling the starmen who are transformed from the unbalanced...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Natsuki Morishita Shokichi suddenly lost his parents when he was young. After that he lived at his relative’s home but he wasnt happy living there and he ran away. Natsuki then lived on the streets of the big city. Through a lot of struggles Natsuki is finally able to open a small store. His childhood friend Wataru Okajima Naoto then appears in front of him. Natsuki Morishita and Wataru...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy
The comedy revolves around Sayuri Satou the new front desk worker at the Sparrows Hotel—the closest hotel to Heaven. Her special features are her large breasts and her skills of assassination. She takes down people who cause trouble in the business hotel with those skills but she is in fact very unskilled when talking to the male hotel manager and often bites her...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Romance, School, Shoujo
Hikari Hanazono has always been second to Kei Takishima. When they were six years old their pro-wrestling loving fathers introduced them to each other. Assuming that she was the best in wrestling young Hikari challenged Kei to a wrestling match only to be thoroughly defeated by him.Ever since that fateful incident Hikari swore to beat Kei in school grades sporting events—anything. To do...
Country: Japan
Genre: Harem, School, Shoujo
The heroine Tsukiko enrolled to a school that was recently changed from all-boys school to co-ed. Since the area where the school is conveniently rural and the rather exclusive curriculums the school has up until now the heroine is the only one female who enrolled to the school.In Starry Sky the 13 constellations of the Zodiac are personified into handsome young men. The anime will be...
Country: Hong Kong
Genre: Modern ; Law
Lawyer KAM JO-JAN Michael Tse and Director of Public Prosecutions FONG TIN-LAM Tavia Yeung used to be cohabiting lovers but ended up separating due to a failed marriage proposal. Fate has it when JO-JAN makes a job transition to take a position of Prosecutor resulting in the two working under the same roof once again. With their distinctly different approaches in handling cases plus the...
Country: United States
Genre: Documentary
Six million years ago our ancestors began to walk upright then left the trees and ventured out into the wild African savanna. For millions of years we would adapt strengthen and spread across the planets harshest terrains. We withstood droughts and ice ages to not only survive but to become the dominant species on Earth. Could we do it...